Face Mask | PPE

Summer 2020 | 8 weeks

Responsibilities: Industrial Design, CAD, Rendering

Collaboration with: Stephanie Lewis, Chaselyn Baca, Michael Stocker

VOIR is a groundbreaking transparent face mask designed to facilitate communication for urban professionals in a Covid and post-Covid world.

The Predicament

Design Criteria

 Sketch Exploration

Our team began by exploring a wide variety of potential PPE styles, focusing on filtration methods, attachment methods and aesthetic details. Eventually we zeroed in on a transparent face mask.

 Target User

Early in the process we chose to focus in on our user persona, which helped guide the visual brand language development on the product. We decided to aim our product at the young urban professional whose job requires in person collaboration. Technical development of the mask focused on the needs of this user group and aesthetic decisions were made to support their desires as well.

Concept Development

We used iteration to refine our design, exploring ways to apply signature visual brand language elements including strong lines and curves, neutral tones, repetitive forms and contrast between materials and textures.



Lift-Off  |  Floor Lamp


SediGraph 4  |  Laboratory Equipment